KWETHLUK, AK 2024 Kuskokwim Conference Theme: Blessed Matushka Olga of Alaska and Orthodox Unity On Friday, July 26, His Grace, +Bishop Alexei traveled to the blessed village of Kwethluk to inaugurate the 2024 Kuskowim Conference. Joining His Grace for the Conference were Archpriest Daniel Charles (Chancellor), Deacon Thomas Rivas, (Episcopal Secretary), and Subdeacon Anthony Lekanof. When His Grace arrived, several of the faithful were ready to greet Vladyka on the river bank. Young boys and girls gathered with fireweed and bells as the full procession began from the river to Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church where a moliben welcoming His Grace was served. The next day, the Deanery clergy served a Divine Liturgy for the departed where all the departed souls from the region were remembered. Following the Divine Liturgy, Vladyka led a procession to the holy grave of the Blessed Matushka Olga of Alaska where a panikhida was served for the Saint and for the departed servant of God the seminarian Zacharias. His Grace taught that when a panikhida is served for someone who is set to be canonized, the purpose of the panikhida shifts from us praying for their soul to asking them to pray for ours.Later that day, the primary conference meeting was held. The summary has been posted below. That evening, everyone gathered for vigil to celebrate the Resurrection and the Great Prince Saint Vladimir.
The next morning, the Church gathered for a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy where the blessing of head scarfs took place right after. This blessing of the head scarfs is an ancient and pious tradition that goes back to the Byzantine era. After the blessing of the head-coverings, Vladyka brought out a relic of our Elder and Wonderworker, Saint Herman of Alaska for the faithful to venerate.
Vladyka spoke throughout the entire Conference on the need for the Orthodox to be truly united in faith, and to be defenders of that faith in every aspect of our lives. We should be concerned with the Orthodoxy of our children and ensure they receive a good Christian education. After the conference, the community gathered for a banquet and then, after receiving Vladyka's blessing, departed in peace.
Conference Meeting Highlights
1. Glorification is set to take place sometime next June
2. This is the first time in North American Orthodox history that the Indigenous people of any region in Alaska have been asked *first* to draft the liturgical services for a saint.
3. After the hard work of Archpriest Martin and Archpriest Maxim, the first drafts of the divine services have been submitted.
4. His Grace has blessed for wood-workers and carpenters to come together for the purpose of designing a reliquary for Saint Olga of Alaska
Before the end of year -The Diocese and Tribal Council will formalize the land agreement where the new Saint Olga of Alaska Church will be built - After the lands are situated, an architect will begin plans for the design of a Church, Center of Yup'ik Culture and a Hospitality Center for pilgrims. - The clergy in the Kuskokwim will begin finding people to be "Point of Contacts" so that the villages in the region can help with the glorification process