The Holy Synod, having prayerfully reflected upon this petition and having observed and acknowledged the sincere devotion among the faithful of Alaska and beyond, has unanimously determined that the time for the glorification of Matushka Olga has arrived, fulfilling the hopes and prayers of pious Orthodox Christians throughout Alaska and the entire world.
For the feast of the Great-martyr Saint George the Trophy-bearer, His Grace, +Bishop ALEXEI along with several pilgrims traveled to Saint George Island for...
For the past 20 years, Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites in Alaska (ROSSIA) has been striving to restore and preserve the historic Russian Orthodox churches in Alaska. Thanks to various funding sources and private donations, here are highlights of this summer’s projects.
The faithful assembled with His Grace Bishop ALEXEI at Saint Tikhon Russian Orthodox Church in Anchorage on May 17, 2023 to celebrate the All-night Vigil in honor of the Icon of the Inexhaustible Cup.
His Grace Bishop ALEXEI will gather with the diocesan clergy at Saint Tikhon Orthodox Church in Anchorage for a time of spiritual reflection, worship and prayer and fellowship.
For the holy and great feast of the Entry of the Most Pure Mother of God into the Temple, His Grace, +Bishop ALEXEI served the hierarchical divine services at Saint Tikhon Russian Orthodox Church in South Anchorage....
Watch here: His Grace, +Bishop ALEXEI is calling for help and support for the faithful in Lower Kalskag who lost their church to a fire on November 19, 2022. Vladyka asks that all faithful keep the community in their prayers. If you are moved by this project and would like to support the faithful of Saint Seraphim of Sarov parish, please consider giving below. Thank you and may Saint Seraphim of Sarov intercede for us before the throne of the Most High God. Amen. To give online: To mail in support: Saint Seraphim of Sarov Church P.O Box 70 Lower Kalskag, AK 99626